150 years §218
Inbetween Criminalisation and Resistance

Abortions have been regulated in the German Penal Code for exactly 150 years.
On 15 May 1871, the Imperial Law was passed and with it §218. Law reforms, tightening and social debates have accompanied the paragraph ever since. It is and remains contested terrain.
The anniversary invites us to take a closer look and ask from different perspectives: Where does this paragraph come from? What does it do to our society? And what do we have to look out for if we want to leave it behind?
Where does this paragraph come from? What does it do to our society? And what do we have to pay attention to if we want to leave it behind?
I had an abortion
(with english subtitles)
In this video, four women break the taboo and talk about their experiences and at the same time guide us together through the chronology of an abortion.