Welcome to the English speaking events and contributions of the Feminist Think Tank of the Heinrich Böll Foundation


Digitizing the EU's External Borders

In the context of our series of events on the situation of queer refugees, we hosted the international conference "The digitalization of the EU's external borders and the production of vulnerability" in Berlin in June 2024.

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Zur Zeit keine Veranstaltungen geplant

Recent Contributions
Our main topics
Our Publications
The cover of Reflections on feminist cultural diplomacy shows a brown mural with a white rectangle. In the left corner the title is placed.

Reflections on feminist cultural diplomacy

What can a Feminist Foreign Policy look like and what is a Feminist Cultural Diplomacy? Dr. Ines Kappert was invited by the Federal Foreign Office to share feminist reflections on an upcoming reorientation.
Cover of publication

Reproductive Justice - An Introduction

Whether, how and with whom we have children is a very intimate question, but also one of social justice. The brochure introduces the activist concept of Reproductive Justice as developed by Black feminists in the 1990s in the U.S. and transfers it to struggles for reproductive self-determination and equitable distribution of resources today in Germany. English version not available in print. Verfügbar auch auf Deutsch (Pdf and Print)  y disponible en Español.
Analyzes & perspectives & viewpoints on selected topics


Here you will find videos and event recordings from the Gunda Werner Institute from the last 10 years, some of them in English. Enjoy watching.

Social Networks
Foundation house in Berlin

Gunda-Werner-Institut in der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin

Phone: 030 - 285 34 - 122
(Please send inquiries via email)
email: gwi@boell.de