About us

The Gunda Werner Institute

The Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy in the Heinrich Böll Foundation emerged in 2007 from the previously separate units - the Feminist Institute and the Joint Task Force on Gender Democracy. We have joined forces to join forces, achieve new synergies, and develop new political perspectives together.

Together we will work even more prominently in the future. We want

  • Offensively politicize gender issues
  • Critically reflect on feminist and gender democratic approaches
  • Understand the rights of women and other people who are marginalized because of their gender as human rights and promote participation globally
  • Support and expand networks, build a virtual knowledge portal
  • Initiate discourses between science, politics and civil society
  • Actively convey gender skills through advice

The GWI team

Where we come from - what we do

the words "start here" written on asphalt in pink color

The Launch of Gunda Werner Institute in 2007

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Gunda-Werner-Institut in der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
Schumannstr. 8
10117 Berlin

Fon: 030 - 285 34 - 122 (Anfragen bitte per Mail)
E-Mail: gwi@boell.de