Susanne Diehr
Representative Gunda Werner Institute

M.A. Gender Studies / Modern German Literature
Since November 2008 representative at the Gunda Werner Institute; until June 2009 also PR work and fundraising for the BIG Hotline of the Berlin Initiative against Violence to Women e.V.
Freelance: PR work (Copy, editing, Web administration) and fundraising
Areas of work
- Specialist department ‘Self-determined life / Independent securing of a livelihood’: feminist perspectives on social, economic and fiscal policy
- Conceptional work on the areas feminism and gender democracy, e.g. on the lecture series “Expert discussions” and the “Green Ladies Lunch” events
- 2010/2011: Steering of the campaign "Gender Kicks 20ELF" for the Heinrich-Boell-Foundation on the occasion of the Women's Word Cup
Fon: +49 - (0)30 285 34-123