Women’s bodies have regularly been – and still are – the central target of conservative and fundamentalist ideology and praxis. This essay provides analytical background information for critical and controversial debates and motivation to explore political intervention.
Who uses the term "gender" is often confronted with the charge of a principal unscientific. The brochure follows this allegation and provides you with arguments for such disputes.
In post-war periods and in the aftermath of serious, systematic human rights violations, gender-based forms of violence are usually forgotten during the processing of the past and reconciliation phase. This study details these problems and presents the resulting challenges facing politicians and society.
No sustainable security policy without a gender perspective. Documentation of a conference of the Feminist Institute and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation in cooperation with the Women's Security Council on October 24-25, 2003 in Berlin. Publication Series of the Gunda Werner Institute, Vol. 2, second edition, Berlin 2007.
Feminist Positions and Perspectives on Peace and Security Policy. In this publication the Gunda Werner Institute presents a detailed position paper to contribute to the international debate on peace and security policy. S. Publication series of the Gunda Werner Institute, Volume 6, March 2010.