The Pandemic, Coronavirus, and Quarantine: Women at Risk The consequences of COVID-19 for society are yet to be studied. However, we can already predict the impact of the pandemic on the situation of women in Ukraine. Their families and their wellbeing, especially that of single mothers, are at risk. By Olena Strelnyk
The Future is now! On the relevance of the Beijing Platform for Action today Comment Equal power for women, a life with less violence and more justice are the goals that were set 25 years ago at the 4th World Conference on Women and in the Beijing Platform for Action. So far, gender equality has never been achieved. By Barbara Unmüßig
Enabling an Equal World for Indigenous Women in the Time of Climate Crisis Article March is often celebrated as International Women’s Month with March 8 officially declared as International Women’s Day to shine the light on the different issues and inequalities women around the world face. This year’s theme is aptly described as “An equal world is an enabled world”, a fitting line to describe the various inequalities that women experience around the world and the need for us to acknowledge and work towards dismantling the structures of inequalities that exist.
Women and Men in the Ukrainian Energy Sector: Equal Rights and Opportunities or a Sector of Discrimination? Last week, presentation of the research “Women and Men in the Ukrainian Energy Sector” was held. The research was conducted during 2018 and early 2019 to identify possible ways to resolve the problem of gender imbalance in the Ukrainian energy sector in order to ensure its sustainable and socially fair development. The research was conducted by the state institution “Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” at the initiative, and with the support, of Heinrich Böll Foundation, Kyiv — Ukraine Office and Women’s Energy Club of Ukraine with active facilitation and support of the apparatus of the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy. Here, we publish key outtakes of the research presentation.
For Whom The Bells Toll: Not for Feminists, or Civil Society! Whose voices are represented in speeches and conferences about women's economic empowerment? As Priti Darooka reports on her experience at this year's W20 Summit in Berlin, there seems to be a disconnect between renowned business conference spaces and grassroots feminist discourses. By Priti Darooka
Women’s Rights all over the World: A Report from CSW61 The world needs more women leaders and men standing up for gender equality, UN Chief Antonio Guterras re-iterated at the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) that held its 61st annual session in New York from 13-24 March, 2017. By Shalini Yog Shah and Dr. Axel Harneit-Sievers
"One Cube" Three, yet one! "One Cube" Three, yet one! - is a documentary film by Pramod Dev. Depicting three women who work in export-oriented sectors of India's economy. By Shalini Yog Shah
„Are we doing the right things?" 20 years after the Beijing Platform for Action, Ly Pisey from the Women‘s Network for Unity critically reflects on the ongoing work improving women's lives in Cambodia. By Ly Pisey
„Women still suffer from gender inequality in employment“ 20 years after the Beijing Platform for Action, Kasumi Nakagawa, Professor at the Pannasastra University of Cambodia, reports on the improvements and challenges regarding gender equality in education and employment in Cambodia. By Kasumi Nakagawa
Climate change: the empowerment of women seen as an added value Rural women increasingly come to be seen as vital agents in response to climate change. Disproportionately affected by it's impacts, these women also have a critical role in combating the weather changes, analyses Camila Moreno. By Camila Moreno