Decolonizing the Digital: Feminism and Intersectional Tech 2020 has proven that the human experience of technology from society’s margins is in dire need of transformation —yet, that transformation is not happening by itself. By Dr. Nakeema Stefflbauer
Indigenous Data Sovereignty and the Land Grab Universities Project With the help of the example of Land-Grant-Universities, Tiara Roxanne explaines, how historical injustices still exist for Indigenous peoples from the North American region, due to the ongoing persistence of settler colonialism. By Tiara Roxanne
The Digital has been around for a while The digital has been around for a while. But during the last 20-30 years the rapidly changing and all-pervasive technological environment has certainly generated a different approach to our ways of life. By Nelly Y. Pinkrah
Wisdom of not knowing and decolonial AI AI is deeply entangled with the coloniality of power in various ways. The coloniality of power shapes not only the political and economic spheres but also the sites of knowledge production, perception, feeling, and imagination. By Raziye Buse Çetin
‘Taking an Ethical Stand’: Moral Principles and Colonial Logics in Feminist Foreign Policy Analysis A feminist foreign policy is associated with being ethical, principled and visionary, yet a government’s actions based on Western standards and values can easily come across as moral superiority or even racism when it comes to other countries. By Fiona Robinson
„Internet is not in the Cloud.“ Digital colonialism Post-feminism and post-race are debates of the past situated in the so-called ‘post-internet’ age. The internet is emerging not only as the focal point of increasing racism but also as a media technology generated by colonial continuities. By Katrin Köppert
"The Aesthetics of Love" - Interview with Umber Ghauri Interview Armeghan Taheri and Umber Ghauri on how to decolonize beauty standards, empower one another and build a self loving community in an image-focused world. By Armeghan Taheri
Can women act as agents of a democratization of theocracy in Iran? October 2009 By Homa Hoodfar and Shadi Sadr