LGBTQI Rights in Greece Vasilis Sotiropoulos, attorney at law, describes in a coherent text the situation of LGBTQ rights in Greece at the legislative level and points out the gaps and the dangers they entail. By Vasilis Sotiropoulos
Acting Straight: A Message for My Kind Syrien In an excerpt from his essay “I, ,the fag'”, Syrian author Raeef al-Shalabi reflects on an inner struggle that helped to position himself as a gay man and ultimately to think about human rights in a new way. By Raeef al-Shalabi
Acting Straight: A Message for My Kind Syrien In an excerpt from his essay “I, ,the fag'”, Syrian author Raeef al-Shalabi reflects on an inner struggle that helped to position himself as a gay man and ultimately to think about human rights in a new way. By Raeef al-Shalabi
How Mining Erodes the Rights of Women Women are also marginalised when it comes to the economic benefits that mining brings. By Tatenda Muponde
The right to belong and the protection of cultural property Interview For centuries, resources have been extracted from the African continent without adequate payment or compensation. With colonialism, Khoikhoi and San, the first inhabitants of Southern Africa, lost their land and many lost their lives. During decades of Apartheid they were racially discriminated and still have to fight for political and economic inclusion in the post-Apartheid era. We spoke to the Khoikhoi lawyer Lesle Jansen about her fight for the community and for the legal acknowledgement of the cultural heritage of Indigenous people. By Imeh Ituen
The Seeds of Abolition Analysis While millions protested the murder of George Floyd and racist police brutality all over the world, there has been a lack of acknowledgement of the injustices towards Black women, and of their leading roles in social movements. Edna Bonhomme analyses the significance of Black women within social movements throughout history until today. By Edna Bonhomme
The Future is now! On the relevance of the Beijing Platform for Action today Comment Equal power for women, a life with less violence and more justice are the goals that were set 25 years ago at the 4th World Conference on Women and in the Beijing Platform for Action. So far, gender equality has never been achieved. By Barbara Unmüßig
Ten Years of Darkness Report Yirgalem Fisseha is an Eritrean poet, journalist and writer who was detained as a political prisoner in the Mai-Sirwa prison for six years. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, she writes about brave women who fought for independence and were imprisoned by an authoritarian regime, and tells the evocative story of two mothers that she met in Mai-Sirwa. By Yirgalem Fisseha
Decriminalizing homosexuality in Kenya On the 24th of May 2019, Kenya's High Court will decide whether the sections of the Kenyan penal code that proscribe homosexual activity are unconstitutional. The Kenyan National Gay and Lesbian Commission (NGLHRC) has for years been fighting to repeal these laws. By Caroline Kioko
Rethinking the Mobility (and Immobility) of Queer Rights in Southeast Asia: A Provocation While all human beings are deemed born automatically free with equal rights, the very definition of human itself in practice is not always neutral. By Hendri Yulius