Existing content moderation practices, both algorithmically-driven and people-determined, are rooted in white colonialist culture. Black women’s opinions, experiences, and expertise are suppressed and their online communication streams are removed abruptly, silently, and quickly. Studying content moderation online has unearthed layers of algorithmic misogynoir, or racist misogyny directed against Black women. Tech companies, legislators and regulators in the U.S. have long ignored the continual mistreatment, misuse, and abuse of Black women online. This paper explores algorithmic misogynoir in content moderation and makes the case for the regular examination of the impact of content moderation tactics on Black women and other minoritized communities.
The collection makes space for voiced that are marginalized and largly invisible in the internet. The authors look at discrimination and hierarchical structures in the internet and make suggestions for a more emancipated and antidiscriminatory approach.